- Category: Home automation
ESP8266 is a very powerful and cheap MCU equipped with WiFi transceiver, very useful to expand inputs/outputs of a Raspberry/Domoticz controller.
Creasol DomESP1 board is designed for ESP8266 module NodeMCU V3, with 900 mils header pitch (optionally, soldering additional headers, it's possible to use the 1100mils module or WeMos D1 mini module), and integrates the whole circuitry to manage digital inputs, one analog input, 4 relay outputs, 1 low voltage output, I2C bus, 1wire bus and 2 mosfet outputs with 12A 30Vmax capability.

- Category: Home automation
Creasol DomRelay2 is a compact module, 43x24x25mm, within 2 relays with 12V 200mW coil, 250V 5A SPST contact with special material designed to prevent contact welding due to excessively high surge current load (capacitive loads or tungsten lamps).
Contacts are protected from overvoltage by metal oxide varistors; coils are protected from overvoltage by free-wheeling diodes.
Relay coil should be driven at 12Vdc 17mA: using DomBusTH or DomBus12 modules it's possible to drive relays using a lower power system, consuming less than 1/4 of nominal power.