- Category: Remote controls
Duplicates several types of remote control for gates, garage doors, barriers, which transmit a fixed code in the frequency 433.92 MHz with OOK/ASK modulation. Each button is independent, so it's possible to clone up to 4 different remote controls, even if made by different manufacturers.

- Category: Remote controls
Copy almost any remote control for gates, garage doors, barriers, which transmit a fixed code in the frequency 433.92 MHz with OOK/ASK modulation. Each button is independent, so it's possible to clone up to 4 different remote controls, even if made by different manufacturers.

- Category: Remote controls
Light-weight (only 16g), soft-touch cover and long range remote control duplicator 433.92MHz.

- Category: Remote controls
This device is able to duplicate several types of remote control for gates, garage doors, traffic barriers, which transmit in frequencies between 224 and 868 MHz. Each button is independent, so it's possible to clone up to 4 different remote controls, even if they operates in different frequencies.

- Category: Remote controls
Multifrequency remote control, light-weight (only 16g), soft-touch cover, that transmits at 433 MHz and 868 MHz.

- Category: Remote controls
Small remote control duplicator, only 41x31x11mm, copy up to 4 different remote controls which transmit a fixed code in one of the supported frequencies, listed in the Tab.1,

- Category: Remote controls
Compact transmitter, 41x31x11mm, can be connected to 1-4 external switches so, when a switch is pressed or released, it starts transmitting.

- Category: Universal receivers
Small device, 41x31x11mm, that can be used to open a main door or pedestrian door (with an electric lock) using almost any radio remote control in the market which transmits in a frequency between 220 MHz and 868 MHz, AM and FM, fixed and rolling code.

- Category: Universal receivers
This is a small universal receiver, only 41x31x11mm, that can be used with almost any radio remote control in the market which transmit in a frequency between 224 MHz and 868 MHz, AM and FM, fixed and rolling codes.

- Category: Universal receivers
Multi-frequency universal receiver has 2 optoisolated outputs, with 40V and 50-100mA capability, and can be supplied from 7Vdc to 36Vdc, and from 7Vac to 27Vac.

- Category: Universal receivers
This multi-frequency universal receiver has 2 relay outputs, with 250V and 5A capability, and can be supplied from 9Vdc to 36Vdc, and from 10Vac to 27Vac.

- Category: Antennas
2.1dBi gain, 50Ω impedance, 433-435 MHz band, 10W max. Antenna has LC filter to reduce noise outside 433-435MHz band (narrow bandwidth)

- Category: Antennas
2.1dBi gain, 50Ω impedance, 425-440 MHz band, 10W max

- Category: Antennas
2.1dBi gain, 50Ω impedance, 860-880 MHz band, 10W max
- Category: Batteries
CR2032, 3V LiMnO2 cell, 20mAh, high quality, bulk packing 50pcs/carton
Can be sold with Ecotax already included only for italian customers
Capacity: 20mAh
Dimensions: length 28.5mm, diameter 8mm
- Category: Batteries
CR2032, 3V LiMnO2 cell, 210mAh, blister packing 5pcs/blister, 100pcs/carton
Can be sold with Ecotax already included only for italian customers
Capacity: 210mAh
Dimensions: diameter 20mm, height 3.2mm
- Category: Batteries
CR2032, 3V LiMnO2 cell, 240mAh, very high quality, bulk packing, 40pcs/tray, 480pcs/pack, 4800pcs/carton
Can be sold with Ecotax already included only for italian customers
Capacity: 240mAh
Dimensions: diameter 20mm, height 3.2mm

- Category: Home automation
Creasol DomBus12 is a compact module, 40x30x11mm, with 9 configurable inputs/outputs.
It can be connected to the Domoticz controller by a RS485 serial bus (4 wires, 2 for 12/24V power supply, and 2 for data at 115200bps).
As other DomBus devices, DomBus12 is designed to consume low power, be reliable, fully configurable and easy to use. Each port is fully configurable, e.g. as analog or digital input, twinbutton (double button), counter, buzzer, NTC 10k, ... 2 ports may be used as open-drain output, to activate 2 external relays or LEDs.

- Category: Home automation
Reliable low-power domotic module designed to enable/disable loads saving energy consumption, zeroing the standby power.

- Category: Home automation
Creasol DomBus23 is a module for home automation system with several different kind of configurable inputs/outputs in a short size: 74x72x24mm.

- Category: Home automation
AVAILABLE IN TWO VERSIONS: DomBus protocol and Modbus protocol!
Creasol DomBus31 is a din-rail relay module, 115x90x40mm, with 8 relays outputs. 6 relays are SPST (Normally Open outputs) with 250V 5A max capability, and 2 relays are SPDT (both Normally Open and Normally Closed outputs) with 10A capability. High efficiency module, with very low power consumption, only 600mW with all relays ON.

- Category: Home automation
DomBus32 is a DIN-RAIL module, 54mm wide, with 3 relay outputs, 3 AC inputs and 5 low-voltage I/Os.
AVAILABLE IN TWO VERSIONS: DomBus protocol and Modbus protocol!

- Category: Home automation
DomBus33 is a DIN-RAIL module, 54mm wide, designed to control an existing lighting system with 3 lights using 115/230V pushbuttons and step-by-step relays.

- Category: Home automation
DomBus34 is a DIN-RAIL module, 54mm wide, designed to interface up to 4 power/energy meters, type DDS 238-2 ZN/S (Modbus), to measure power and energy (both imported and exported), voltage frequency and power factor.

- Category: Home automation
Creasol DomBus36 is a din-rail relay industrial-grade module for building automations and home automation systems, 115x90x40mm, with 12 relays outputs, SPST (Normally Open outputs) with 250V 5A max capability, divided in 3 groups of 4 relays, each group with a 5-position screw terminal blocks: 1 common + 4 outputs

Creasol DomBus37: 12 analog/digital inputs, 3 AC inputs and 3 relay outputs for building automations
- Category: Home automation
DIN-rail domotic module, 115x90x40mm, supporting both DomBus and Modbus RTU protocols, that integrates 12x low voltage analog/digital inputs, 3x relays outputs, 3x 115Vac / 230Vac inputs. Optionally it is able to control and monitor the power supply fed to a burglar alarm external siren.
Suitable to interface alarm sensors (magnetic contact sensors, PIRs, tampers), monitor power outage (by the 3 AC inputs) and control up to 3 outputs (relays).

- Category: Home automation
DIN-rail high reliability and low power home automation module with relays output, low voltage inputs, one 100-250Vac input and plugin terminal blocks.Works with home automation systems like Domoticz, Home Assistant, Node-RED, OpenHAB and more...
Can be used to manage alarm sensors, pushbuttons, lights and other loads, and monitor 230V presence (detecting power outage).

- Category: Home automation
Creasol DomBusEVSE is a fully tested DIN rail module, designed for Domoticz, Home Assistant, OpenHAB, Node-RED, ioBroker, ... home automation systems, to charge electric vehicles using the standard SAE 1772 and IEC 62196-2 Mode3 (AC charge, up to 22kW power).
It works as stand-alone (with or without any domotic controller) or in managed mode (charging current controlled by a domotic controller).

- Category: Home automation
Creasol DomBusTH is a fully configurable small electronic board, 32x17mm, that can fit any blank cover with a 3.5mm hole in the centre, needed by the thermal/humidity sensor to exchange air with the room and to get the 3 LEDs light out. It can be connected to a Domoticz controller using the DomBus protocol, and other contollers (Node-RED, HomeAssistant, OpenHAB, ...) using the standard Modbus protocol by RS485 serial bus (using a standard alarm cable with 4 wires, 2 for 12/24V power supply, and 2 for data at 115200bps). Available in both DomBus and Modbus protocols

- Category: Home automation
Home automation module that can be used as a stand-alone single or dual axis solar tracker, working autonomously.
Can also be controlled by a home automation system, like Domoticz (DomBusTracker version with DomBus protocol firmware), Home Assistant, Node-RED, OpenHAB, ... (DomBusTracker version with Modbus protocol firmware).